Convention Refugees are simply refugees who fulfil the requirements of the definition of a refugee under the 1951 Geneva Convention and as defined in the IPA 2015 and have been granted refugee status. They are people who came to Ireland seeking asylum and who were subsequently granted Refugee status. Membership of a particular social group Refugees in Ireland enjoy rights similar to those of an Irish Citizen. They can reside in the country and can apply to become Irish citizens after three years of continuous residence as refugees.
International Protection refers to ‘The actions by the international community on the basis of international law, aimed at protecting the fundamental rights of a specific category of persons outside their countries of origin, who lack the national protection of their own countries. Under the act, there are 3 broad categories of protection that a person could apply for.
Permission to Remain Where a person’s application for refugee status and subsidiary protection is refused, the state may, taking consideration of family, personal and humanitarian circumstances as well as other matters, grant the applicant permission to remain in the state. A permission to remain in the state carries with it a number of rights that are akin to those of Irish citizens. They do not, however, have the automatic right of family reunification even though they can apply for this to the Minister. A grant or denial of this application will be on strictly discretionary grounds.
A Programme Refugee is one who has been invited to Ireland, usually as a result of a Government decision in relation to a humanitarian request, usually by the UNHCR, and through a process of temporary protection or resettlement. The Irish Refugee Protection 23 Programme was set up in 2015 with the understanding that Ireland will receive 4000 displaced people through a process of relocation and resettlement.
Protection Applicant (previously Asylum Seeker) Section 2(1) of the IPA 2015 defines a Protection applicant as a person who has made an application for International Protection and who seeks to be recognised as a refugee.
STAMP 4 There are several types of stamp with different names, e.g. Stamp 0, Stamp 1, etc. Each one indicates a type of permission, including the:
- Activities you can – and cannot do – in Ireland
- Time period you are allowed to stay
Stamp 4 indicates permission to stay in Ireland for a specified period, subject to conditions.
Subsidiary Protection Under the IPA 2015, where an International Protection applicant (asylum seeker) does not meet the requirements for being deemed a refugee, such an applicant may still be granted subsidiary protection, especially where there are substantial grounds to believe that the applicant will be in danger of suffering serious harm in their home country. An International Protection applicant may apply for refugee status and subsidiary protection at the same time under the IPA single procedure. The application for subsidiary protection will be reviewed immediately if that of asylum or refugee status is refused. People granted subsidiary protection are granted a lot of rights that are akin to citizenship rights.
The UNHCR Refugee Agency Ireland: UNHCR – The UN Refugee Agency
The UNHCR Refugee Agency Information: Information for Refugees, Asylum-seekers and Stateless
People | UNHCRThe Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service, INIS Services: Our Services (
ETB: Education and Training Board ETBs manage and operate second-level schools, further education colleges, pilot community national schools and a range of adult and further education centres delivering education and training programmes.
Contact your local ETB: Directory of ETBs – ETBI
FET: Further Education and Training or FET, offers a wide variety of life-long education options to anyone over 16. FET includes apprenticeships, traineeships, Post Leaving Cert (PLC) courses, community and adult education as well as core literacy and numeracy services. FET courses and programmes are provided through the Education and Training Board network throughout the country as well as through other local providers including online through SOLAS’ eCollege. FET courses are provided at levels one to six on the National Framework of Qualifications.
About Us | FET | Further Education and Training (
FETAC: The Further Education and Training Awards Council is a former statutory awarding body if further education in Ireland. FETAC was dissolved and it function was replaced by QQI. If you hold a FETAC certification, it remains valid, but any new awards you achieve will be under QQI qualification.
HEA: The HEA leads the strategic development of the Irish higher education and research system with the objective of creating a coherent system of diverse institutions with distinct missions, which is responsive to the social, cultural and economic development of Ireland and its people and supports the achievement of national objectives.
Overview | About us | Higher Education Authority (
HEI: Higher Education Institutions including Universities, Institutions of Technology and some Colleges. A list of HEIs can be found here.
Higher Education Institutions | Higher Education Authority (
SOLAS: SOLAS is the state agency responsible for Further Education and Training (FET) in Ireland.
Working closely with Regional Skills managers and our partners in Education and Training Boards nationally, SOLAS manages a range of Further Education and Training programmes which enable learners to succeed in the labour market and thrive in society. Programmes include Apprenticeships, Traineeships, Skills to Advance, eCollege and the European Globalisation Fund.
SOLAS also manages the Safe Pass Health and Safety Awareness Training Programme, the Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) and the Quarrying Skills Certification Scheme (QSCS). Current courses can be found at
QQI: Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) is responsible for developing, promoting and maintaining the Irish NFQ. QQI also facilitates the recognition of foreign qualifications. Established in 2003, the Irish National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) is a 10-level, single national entity through which all learning achievements may be measured and related to each other. Underpinned by quality assurance principles, the Irish NFQ describes qualifications in the Irish education and training system and sets out what each qualification says about what learners know, understand and are able to do. It also sets out qualifications pathways from one NFQ level to the next. Higher and Further Education awards and qualifications
In Ireland are awarded by QQI. QQI awards start at Level 1 and continue on a scale to Level 10.
About Us | Our Role | Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI)
Bursaries and Scholarships are available to some individuals while attending college.
Further information is available at Student Finance | Funding, Governance and Performance | Higher Education Authority (
The International Protection Student Scheme for Further Education and Higher Education Students 2024/2025: provides financial grants for students who have been continuously resident in the State for a continuous period of 3 years or more and are protection applicants or people at leave to remain stage for a continuous period of 3 years or more as of the day before the date of commencement of the course and who have not had a deportation order issued against them.
SAF: Student Assistance Fund provides financial support to full or part-time students who are experiencing financial difficulties while attending college. It can be used to help with college related expenses such as rent, childcare and books. It cannot be used for student fees but if you receive an award it can free funds in your budget to pay your fees.
Student Assistance Fund | Funding, Governance and Performance | Higher Education Authority (
SUSI Grant: The main financial support available for eligible students attending full-time Further and Higher education courses is the SUSI Grant. This grant is means tested.
SVP: The Society of St Vincent de Paul Education and Training Bursary Fund supports students of all ages who may financially struggle to access or stay in third level education and training programmes.
Education grants – St Vincent De Paul (
UoSI: University of Sanctuary is an Irish initiative to encourage and celebrate the good practice of universities, colleges and other education institutes welcoming refugees, asylum seekers and other migrants into their university communities and fostering a culture of welcome and inclusion to all seeking sanctuary.
Universities | Places of Sanctuary Ireland (
Uversity: is a registered charity that offers scholarships to Mature Students for assistance with the costs of their degree. Priority is given to full time students but other applications will be considered on a case by case basis.